My Father Never Consented to a Political Photo Op at His Final Resting Place

Donald Trump’s recent visit to Arlington National Cemetery, arguably the most sacred ground in the United States, was nothing short of a political stunt—and it was a disgrace. As the former president and convicted felon held what amounted to a campaign event literally over the bodies of the fallen, he disrespected the very essence of the place that honors our nation’s fallen heroes. The final resting place of so many of America’s heroes, and even a fallen president. My father is buried at Arlington, though not in Section 60 where Trump staged his appearance, but the insult to every family member of the interred is deeply felt.

What makes this display even more galling is Trump’s complete disregard for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Despite the annual ceremonies honoring the 13 service members killed in the Abbey Gate attack in Afghanistan, Trump had never bothered to show up—until now, less than 80 days before an election. His sudden interest reeks of opportunism, an exploitative move designed to curry favor while trampling on the memories of those he failed as commander-in-chief. It is classic Donald Trump. Mortgage the credibility of everyone around him, including the families of dead soldiers, hoping that some of that rubs off on him just long enough for him to default on the debt.

This is just another chapter in Trump’s long history of dishonoring military service. While there are undoubtedly some families of fallen soldiers who support him, many others are pained by his continued mockery of what is hallowed ground. His inability to recognize the grief he’s causing, or to remotely care about it, is yet another reminder of his profound lack of empathy and humanity.

The incident at Arlington was worse than initially reported. A female cemetery official, attempting to enforce federal laws prohibiting political activity and filming in the cemetery, was physically assaulted by Trump’s campaign staff. She was pushed, insulted, and humiliated while simply trying to uphold the sanctity of the space. Out of fear of retaliation from Trump supporters, she chose not to press charges, but an incident report was filed with the military.

Trump’s campaign responded to the altercation with their usual disdain for accountability, deflecting blame onto the cemetery official and even suggesting she had a “mental health episode.” To make matters worse, Trump’s team released photos and videos of the Section 60 visit—footage that should never have been taken. The family of Master Sgt. Andrew Marckesano, whose gravesite appeared in the images, expressed their outrage, stating that they never consented to their loved one’s final resting place being used for political gain. I join them in their outrage.

The violation of trust at Arlington isn’t just an attack on rules; it’s an affront to every person who has ever grieved a loved one laid to rest there. Governor Spencer Cox, who was present, quickly apologized for his campaign’s use of these images, admitting it was inappropriate, because this is how normal people react to mistakes. However, Trump and his campaign remain unapologetic, dismissing the incident as nothing more than a media exaggeration, a stance disgustingly echoed by Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance. A man who has used his own service to denigrate the service of others.

Trump’s unwillingness to acknowledge even the appearance of disrespect is a continuation of his abysmal record with veterans and military families. It’s not just a legal issue—it’s a moral one. Arlington National Cemetery is not a backdrop for political theater; it’s a place of reverence, a resting ground for those who have given everything for this country. To use it as a prop is to desecrate what is perhaps the most hallowed space in America, and it’s a violation that should never be forgotten or forgiven.

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