Crazy Talented 9-Year-Old Guitarist Bay Vergolino Shreds To Led Zeppelin

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Bay Vergolino – aka The Only Bay – went mega viral online a few months ago when he uploaded this insane cover of Led Zeppelin’s ‘Whole Lotta Love’. “Another Led Zeppelin cover? What a snooze-fest!”, we hear you cry. But get this – Bay is just nine years old and he absolutely destroys the guitar part on the song, with many viewers left astounded at his amazing shredding skills that would be impressive coming from someone twice his age. “Rock still lives!” commented one particularly overawed fan.

Bay was joined by a band of his ‘Superstar Friends’, including young diva Mika whose vocals Robert Plant himself would be proud of, and drummer Ben who delivers a fiery drum solo. The group absolutely rocked the stage and showed no signs of nerves or anxiety, receiving a loud and much-deserved cheer from the live audience at the end. There have been so many Led Zeppelin covers over the years, but this one is truly unique, with nine-year-old Bay in particular bringing a special energy to the stage.

And whilst they’re clearly enjoying their time onstage, these kids aren’t posers by any means, and it’s clear that there’s some solid musical talent going on behind their youthful appearances. Bay himself looks like a natural, barely even glancing down at his guitar as he performs a solo that would blow the minds of even the most hardcore Led Zeppelin fans. Singer Mika, meanwhile, was obviously born to be a leading lady, improvising some tricky vocal parts that complement the song perfectly.

For more evidence of the group’s talents, meanwhile, check out their recent cover of the Guns N’ Roses track ‘Rocket Queen,’ which they performed at the Come Together festival. The performance proves beyond doubt that the band’s version of ‘Whole Lotta Love’ was no one-off; here they recreate another iconic rock song with unbelievable confidence and musical capability. As ever, 9-year-old Bay is the star of the show, but his bandmates Mika, Ezra, Jack, and Finn also give stellar performances.

If any Music Man readers out there know someone who thinks rock is dead, then all you have to do is point them towards these videos to prove that they couldn’t be more wrong. 9-year-old guitarist Bay Vergolino – aka the only Bay – is one of many young musicians out there who are quite literally the future of rock, and we have no doubt that this is just the beginning of a very long career in music for him and his talented bandmates.

If you would like to hear more from this talented guitarist you can subscribe to their YouTube Channel for more incredible music. Follow on Instagram to stay updated with their latest activities.

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